Set up like a gym membership, Dentbenefits offers a 12-month individual contract that gives members access to a whole spectrum of different dental procedures.
You can apply for the membership in any of our locations.
Please folow the locations page for details. You can
sign up or switch the location here.
NO co-pays, NO deductible, NO pre-existing conditions, NO waiting
NO insurance forms, NO prior approval, NO missing tooth clause.
A beautiful smile isn’t just a confidence boost; it’s indicative of your overall well-being. The health of your mouth mirrors that of your body and regular dentist visits even can identify if you’re at risk for chronic disease.
But for more than one million New Yorkers with limited or no dental insurance, going to the dentist is far from routine or affordable. Dentbenefits Membership Club makes dental care attainable. Here are five reasons you should consider this service.
With copays, deductibles and pre-authorization requirements, getting the right care isn’t always easy. Dentbenefits has offices in Brooklyn, Manhattan and Queens and allows patients to establish a direct relationship with their doctor, without a third party standing between you and your dentist. “It’s the best and most cost effective option for someone who needs dental work,” Dr. Entin said. “There are people who literally cannot afford dentistry. A lot of our patients say ‘if I knew this option was available, I would have come sooner.’” Want to lower your out-of-pocket dental expenses? Consider joining Dentbenefits. To become a member, click here.
Set up like a gym membership, Dentbenefits offers a 12-month individual contract that gives members access to a whole spectrum of different dental procedures. And there’s no waiting period — from the moment you sign up the plan is effective.
One root canal with a porcelain crown could cost you more than $2,000 without insurance and even with insurance you’ll likely pay copay, which could be as high as 50 percent. With Dentbenefits, you pay $125/month and you’re eligible for the equivalent of approximately $10,000 in dental services, said Dr. Michael Entin, who founded the membership club.
With a discount dental plan, you choose from participating dental providers and get services at a discounted rate, but most people with these plans still pay a large out-of-pocket expense, especially if they need major dental work. With Dentbenefits, members pay a flat monthly fee so they can appropriately budget for this health care expense.
Ninety-five percent of dentistry is general dentistry, according to Dr. Entin. Think cleanings, root canals, porcelain crowns, dentures, bridges, extractions and cosmetic fillings. All these services are covered under Dentbenefits’ monthly plan.
When you have traditional dental insurance, your coverage will depend on your insurance administrator, who acts as a third party between you and your dentist.
(Member will be treated by selected provider only)